Work by Catalyst Project Consulting

CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation

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  5. CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation

Project Overview

CSR Limited have operated under a mining lease on land held under a perpetual lease with the Crown on the Metford site of the old PGH Brickworks for an extended period and have wound up brickmaking operations in the area, including quarrying. CSR wish to return the site to the Crown, and surrender the mining and perpetual leases.

The purpose of the project is to return the subject site to the Crown’s ownership as efficiently as possible both in terms of cost and time while ensuring that CSR are not burdened with any ongoing liabilities, and continue to maintain good corporate relations with Maitland City Council and the NSW Department of Trade & Investment, Crown Lands Division and the NSW Department of Trade & Investment, Resources and Energy. The project includes 3ha of factory ground slab demolition, Heritage interpretation works, remediation of contaminated soils, and rehabilitation of the landform.

What did we do?

Catalyst coordinated the Council Consent and Mine Closure Plan. Extensive consultation authorities was required including NSW Health Infrastructure following the announcement of the New Maitland Hospital on the subject Site.

Full-time contractor site supervision, development of innovative remedial techniques and continuous trials ensured efficiencies were achieved on an hourly rate contract. Catalyst worked closely with the environmental consultant and EPA accredited site auditor to track all material movement from initial excavation, to remediation and validation, and final placement.

Catalyst prepared regular client update reports and quarterly updates for the Resource Regulator, and coordinated the final relinquishment report resulting in the last of the Mining Leases being relinquished in March 2023.

Project Value


CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation
CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation
CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation
CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation
CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation
CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation
CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation
CSR (PGH) Metford Remediation and Rehabilitation