Work by Catalyst Project Consulting

Carpark Remedial Works – Scone

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  5. Carpark Remedial Works – Scone

Project Overview

The Woolworths carpark at Scone has been experiencing localised flooding due to outdated stormwater systems, resulting in disruption to patrons and therefore trading. A local engineering firm has prepared a rectification scope which entails the installation of a new detention basin, new stormwater pipe network, regrading and re-surfacing of the carpark, and repairs to water damaged surfaces.

What did we do?

Catalyst has been engaged by the site owner to work with the engineers to develop a more cost effective design and subsequently either undertake a competitive tender or with the incumbent civil contractor to achieve the best value for the client.

The project involves a re-design and DA modification. To minimise disruption on the carpark use and the tenants’ trading, the works will be staged. CPC is also working with Woolworths to incorporate its shade sail proposal in the DA modification as far as reasonably practical.

Project Value


Carpark Remedial Works - Scone
Carpark Remedial Works - Scone
Carpark Remedial Works - Scone
Carpark Remedial Works - Scone
Carpark Remedial Works - Scone