29 Throsby Street – Building Remediation

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  5. 29 Throsby Street – Building Remediation

Project Overview

Catalyst was been engaged to assist in the rectification of failed waterproofing and façade penetrations which led to numerous water ingress issues causing structural and non-structural defects at 29 Throsby Street Wickham NSW.

What did we do?

On behalf of the client, Catalyst engaged the services of a remedial engineer to procure a building remediation scope. Following the preparation of a technical scope, Catalyst prepared Request for Tender documentation and released the tender to market. After evaluation of tenders and contract negotiations, a remedial contract
was executed and Catalyst were engaged for Contract Superintendency Services to oversee the remedial works, inclusive of progress claim assessments/certification, responses to RFI’s, EOT’s and all other project related matters.

Regular site inspections and meeting ensured the works were being completed to the agreed scope, program and budget. Catalyst has found that communication is critical when working on tenanted buildings. To keep all unit owner/residents informed, Catalyst prepared quarterly update reports notifying all stakeholders of the completed and scheduled works for the reporting period. We maintained regular communication and were readily available to answer any queries from the residents.

Project Value

